What Is Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?
Everything You Need To Know About Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) According to the Australian Tinnitus Association “Tinnitus is a physical condition, experienced as noises or ringing in the ears or head when no such external physical noise is present. Tinnitus is...
Can A Hearing Aid Stop Tinnitus (ringing in ears)?
Hearing Aids for Tinnitus Masking Experiencing ringing in the ears? Tinnitus is often a result of hearing loss and a hearing aid will definitely help to mask the severity of the ringing in your ears! Unfortunately, there is no direct cure for tinnitus, but a treatment...
Invisible vs Behind The Ear Hearing Aids
Are Invisible or Behind The Ear Hearing Aids Better? Hearing aids vary in price, style and how they are placed in your ear. At Hidden Hearing all of our hearing aids are “hidden”. Meaning they are discreet, comfortable and have the newest technology advances to ensure...