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The severity of your hearing deprivation ranges from mild, moderate, severe to profound. It can also be in one or both of the individual’s ears. This plays a significant role in how difficult it is to hear in a group setting, hear quiet or loud sounds and much more. To learn more about your hearing needs you can read How Can I Test My Hearing At Home

1. Different Severities

According to the World Health Organisation, the most common hearing loss is mild to severe, this falls in the category of hard of hearing. With individuals using language as their main form of communication and use the assistance of hearing aids or an implant. Profound hearing loss is more distinct and individuals who experience this, use sign language as their main form of communication



Hearing loss severity chart

2. Causes

Congenital hearing loss is when hearing deprivation is present when a new baby is born or attained shortly after birth. This type can be hereditary or non hereditary. The other type of  is acquired hearing loss, this can be developed from any age from environmental or physical elements. In the table below, based on the World Health Organisation data, it outlines exact causes that can lead to the two different types of hearing loss.

causes and different types of hearing loss

3. Managing Symptoms

Like most other parts of your body, when something isn’t feeling right the best thing to do is seek help from a professional. This allows the symptoms to be managed. This overall has a beneficial impact on your social and physical health. Once you have discovered a change in your hearing you should book an appointment with a hearing aid specialist. Want to know the severity of your hearing loss? Take our free online hearing test and have one of our friendly staff get in contact with you about your treatment plan. 

4. Prevention

Many people are exposed to loud sounds, whether it be a love for music or a career that works along side loud machinery. The best thing to do, is limit or maintain your exposure to these loud sounds. You can maintain this by using ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones when you know you will be exposed to louder noises. The other important prevention step is to be book an appointment when you or someone else notices a change in your hearing.

5. Getting The Right Hearing Aid For You

Last, but not least would be finding and having the best hearing aid for your needs. While your hearing loss can continue to decline over time, hearing aids will prevent your speech identification worsening, along with your brains health. The brain has to work a lot harder to try understand sounds and words that your ears are struggling to comprehend. Overall, advancing the risks of your emotional and social wellbeing. If you would like to quickly find out the best hearing aid for you, call our office on 1800 717 717 today to talk to our experienced and knowledgable staff.

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