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While there has not been an enormous amount of travel this year, people are starting to dream and plan of the travel that they are going to do in the New Year. Travelling can already be a stressful task and it is easy to forget everything you need. Having hearing aids brings another element to your travel and provides it’s own to-do list that you should tick off. Below are 11 tips that are going to make any work or holiday travel easier. 

1. You want all objects that you would like assessable or safe in your carry on luggage. This includes your hearing aids and added accessories.  This will also allow you to use your hearing aids at your leisure or remove them if it is more comfortable during your flight. 

2. Let the flight attendant know about your hearing loss so they can communicate with you and make your overall flight experience better. This may involve them coming to you before instructions are played, allowing you to put in your hearing aids and turn the volume up. This is extremely helpful, as it will allow you to sit back and relax without feeling stressed that you are missing out on important information.

3. Do not forget your hearing aid accessories! Yes your hearing aids are the most important item to remember however if you forget the rechargeable case or batteries, you won’t be able to use your hearing aids. If you have a rechargeable case and are travelling internationally, remember to get a powerpoint adapter. Other hearing aid extras that are important to pack include- hearing dryer or dehumidifier, hearing aid cleaning kit and hearing aid case. 

4. Remember your hearing aid features and how to use them! You may feel like having hearing aids while travelling makes the overall experience less enjoyable. But when there are noisy airport environments and airplane background noise, you can use your noise cancelling settings or volume control to adapt to your environment, allowing you to have a more peaceful and less annoying experience…Trust me you will want to use this if you are travelling during school holidays and the plane consists of more kids than adults. 

5. Remember to stay awake for the take off. This allows your ears to adapt to the altitude and pressure easier. Furthermore, you can adapt to how your ears are responding by chewing gum, drinking water or massaging your jaw when necessary. 

6. If you would like to use ear plugs make sure you have spoken to the flight attendant, and can confirm you have heard all the necessary instructions and information. Put in the ear plugs later in the fight, once you have the “okay”. If the flight attendants aren’t giving you much warning, keep the ear plugs out for the first and last part of the flight, this is normally when the flights instructions are discussed. 

7. Last but not least, book your seat at the front of the plane or as close as you can get! The closer you are to the back of the plane, the closer you feel to the sound of engine. By being away from this noise, it can reduce ringing or unwanted sounds in your ears. Overall making your flight experience better.

If this is making your holiday list too big and you want to simplify it, just remember the first three steps whenever you travel! 

Travelling with hearing aids

Want more information about hearing aids, accessories and features? Call our office today to talk to our friendly staff, contact us online or read about hearing aid features here.

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