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Everything You Need To Know About Hearing Aids For Pensioners


Australian pensioners luckily benefit from a leading hearing service program. We understand the financial and emotional pressure hearing loss creates and so does the Government’s scheme. This scheme ensures that pensioners and veterans can access a range of benefits.

Australian Pensioners, if covered by this program will receive the following

  • FREE hearing test
  • FREE hearing aids or a part payment towards hearing aids
  • 1 Year cover on batteries and aftercare + low cost the following years*
  • Follow up appointments and consultations


Free hearing test
Free hearing aid batteries
Hearing aid care and support
Hearing aid appointments and fittings


What hearing aids can a pensioner get?

At Hidden Hearing we provide the latest technology in discreet, comfortable and custom fit hearing aids. One hearing aid is not going to be suited to everyone. You can take our free online hearing test to understand your hearing concerns.

Yes, we provide hidden hearing aids but we promise we don’t hide anything else. We will happily email you our buyers guide just click the “download now” button below to get our full list.








We recommend calling our office on 1800 717 717 to talk to our helpful reception staff or specialist to get more guidance or book an appointment.
Call Hidden Hearing 1800 717 717
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