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Hearing Aids

Hidden Hearing offers hearing aids from a number of different manufacturers, which gives us the versatility to recommend the best hearing aid for your unique situation. We consider your type and degree of hearing loss, social lifestyle, previous experience with hearing aids, and budget in making our recommendation. As an independently owned and operated audiology practice, we are never influenced by sales incentives or contracts with manufacturers. We will recommend the hearing aid that is best for your hearing loss needs.

The Hidden Hearing Difference

A hearing aid is only as good as its programming and customisation. Calibrating your hearing aid through cutting age digital technology to fit your hearing loss needs, fitting the size and shape of both of your ears with real measurements, and taking the extra time to get to know you as a patient are all essential steps in customising your hearing aid to achieve the maximum potential for hearing improvement.

Hearing Aid Purchase Package

When you purchase your hearing aid from Hidden Hearing, you receive:

  • Hearing test
  • Customised fitting of hearing aids and wireless accessories
  • Counselling and follow up appointments
  • Free ongoing hearing aid checkups and programming for the life of the hearing aid
  • Hearing aid case for proper storage
  • Supply of batteries, wax guards and domes
  • Cleaning tools
  • 30 day money back guarantee trial period
  • 3 year Manufacturer Repair Warranty
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